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Versie Evolution: 99 EUR |
Evolution: 99 EUR Included in the Lite Version : Customer management. Manage and print your Invoices. Manage and print your Orders. Manage and print your Price offers. Manage and print your Waybills. Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight . Sending documents by E-Mail Payment management Copy a document to another Print the reports Calculate Products Last-Prices Product management The Evolution version is intended for independent traders anopmall businesseswho invoice for products anopervices but do not want to manage their inventory. Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing their data. Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir data. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
de DEMO versie![]() |
the DEMO version ![]() |
Versie Stock Basic: 149 EUR |
Stock Basic: 149 EUR Included in the Lite Version : Customer management. Stock control and inventoy. Manage and print your Invoices. Manage and print your Orders. Manage and print your Price offers. Manage and print your Waybills. Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight . Sending documents by E-Mail Payment management Copy a document to another Print the reports Calculate Products Last-Prices Product management The Basic Stock version is intended for independent traders anopmall businesses who invoice for products anopervices. Using this version, it is possible to manage stock and create a permanent inventory. It is also possible to establish buffer inventories and generate a list of products to be ordered. Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing their data. Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir data. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
de DEMO versie![]() |
the DEMO version ![]() |
Versie Premium: 299 EUR |
Premium: 299 EUR Included in the Lite Version : Customer management. Stock control and inventoy. Manage and print your Invoices. Manage and print your Orders. Manage and print your Price offers. Manage and print your Waybills. Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight . Sending documents by E-Mail Payment management Copy a document to another Print the reports Calculate Products Last-Prices Product management The Premium version is intended for independent traders or businesses who invoice for products anopervices and, above all, wish to progress quickly and easily thanks to the inclusive telephone assistance service. Using this version, it is possible to manage stock and create a permanent inventory. It is also possible to establish buffer inventories and generate a list of products to be ordered. In managing the ledgers, it is possible to set parameters for layouts and operations specific to the document type. There is a function for managing VAT rates for national, intra-community, extra-community, co-contractor and general accounts invoicing (accounts plan) or any eventual link with accounting. The multi-criteria advanceopearch function allows users to manage product localisation and allows highly advanced listings using the additional fields. The advanceopearch function allows users to find customers using most of the fields on the form, including the additional fields. The advanceopearch function allows users to find documents by total sum (matching), deposits inclusive or excluding all taxes, keyword, payment reference. Using this version, users have a history of customers per product, or products per customer. Using the Premium version, users have a system for managing unpaid invoices and an automatic reminder generator (three levels of reminder, adaptable text)All documents (price offers, supplier orders) can be sent by e-mail Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir data. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
de DEMO versie![]() |
the DEMO version ![]() |
Versie Advanced: 599 EUR |
Advanced: 599 EUR Included in the Lite Version : Customer management. Stock control and inventoy. Manage and print your Invoices. Manage and print your Orders. Manage and print your Price offers. Manage and print your Waybills. Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight . Sending documents by E-Mail Payment management Copy a document to another Print the reports Calculate Products Last-Prices Product management The Advanced version has the same characteristics as the Premium version, and also allows users to: Manage product packages. Calculate profit margins and print graphics. The basic network (2 users) is included. Manage till forms and the summary of payments. Manage back orders (remainders, picking list). Complete the 'Easy For You' training (1 hour). Generate automatic supplier orders. Correct product and customer references. Export lists to MS Excel (XLS). . Using this version, users can connect to the E-Commerce module. Users have the option of upgrading to a higher version without losing heir data. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
de DEMO versie![]() |
the DEMO version ![]() |
Versie Pro: 1299 EUR |
Pro: 1299 EUR Included in the Lite Version : Customer management. Stock control and inventoy. Manage and print your Invoices. Manage and print your Orders. Manage and print your Price offers. Manage and print your Waybills. Calculate Totals, Taxes, Deposit, Margin, Weight . Sending documents by E-Mail Payment management Copy a document to another Print the reports Calculate Products Last-Prices Product management The Pro version has the same characteristics as the Advanced version, and also allows users to: Manage a network of 5 users. Manage a product category. Manage compound products. Manage credit limits. Manage product measurements. Save documents. Calculate degressive sales prices in relation to quantities. Manage products by serial or batch number. Automatically group documents. Manage and print bar codes. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
de DEMO versie![]() |
the DEMO version ![]() |
Module E-Commerce : 599 EUR |
E-Commerce : 599 EUR Thos module goes hand-in-hand with the Advanced or Pro versions and allows users to present or sell products on an e-commerce website or online catalogue: Products entered into Facturation-Facturatie can be found on your site with just one click. Orders placed on your site can be found automatically on Facturation-Facturatie. The e-commerce module is an OPEN SOURCE ASP (free source code) – it can therefore be personalised easily and hosted on either your PC or our server. Manage customers with access using a login and password. Manage price levels (5). Manage and confirm orders by e-mail. Calculate totals, taxes, miscellaneous charges. Automatically calculate delivery charges depending on the weight and destination of merchandise. Manage secure online payments (www.Paypal.com – www.Ogone.com). Online order history for each customer. Manage online inventory, with a simplified display of remaining stock (optional). Advanced product search engine using keywords. Manage product categories anopub-categories with no limit on the number of levels. Manage your customers’ credit limit. Calculate degressive sales prices in relation to quantities order by a customer. Sizes and/or colours. Automatically display promotions. Display product images in pop-up windows (enlarged image). Display images for categories anopub-categories. Detailed product description in several languages (7). Option of offering free girls depending on the total sum of purchases. Option of offering discounts per purchase range. Display the terms and conditions of sale. Automatically send password reminders to customers. Completely multilingual: 7 languages (FR, NL, EN, SP, IT, DE, PT) |
TEST hier de
DEMO versie![]() |
TOUR in the
DEMO version ![]() |
op maat, voorraabeheer, stockbeheer, web site desig 17/09/2019 Nos autres noms de domaines B.A.R.O.N. bvba - Software - Programmatie op maat Info voor Data gebruikers Business Software International BVBA (BSI) werd onlangs failliet verklaard. Zie staatsblad van 3/10/07 (p78). Software, sales management, stockbaheer en facturatie software, facturatieprogramma
, import en export excel.
basisversie is GRATIS voor facturatie. Link
Facturatie Business Programs :
Deze software , inventaris en sales management, facturering voor veel bedrijven, zoals :
Mechanic (natuurkunde, stromingsleer) System Administrator Analyst Hoofd Commerciële
Graphic Designer Project Engineer Integrator Programmeur Webmaster De beroepen
van de ambachtelijke Naaister Cook meubelmaker factor instrument Ijzerwerker
op goud maker Müllner bouwsector Architect Tiler Carpenter Elektricien Dakdekker
Chauffagiste Builders Carpenter huisschilder Loodgieter Staffeur ornamentists
maat van stenen Glaszetter van de Ambachten Security Officer Veiligheid Militaire
Firefighter van de artistieke beroepen Acteur Zanger Acteur Dancer Make-up Artist
Musicus Producer directeur De beeldhouwer van de beroepen in de gezondheidszorg
zorg acupuncturist Help allergoloog Chirurg Plastisch chirurg Tandarts Tandarts
Dermatoloog gastro-enteroloog OT Gynaecoloog OBGYN Nurse Kinesitherapeut homeopaten
Laborantin Logopedist Masseur Huisarts Medisch onderzoeker Neuroloog Neuro-psychiater
Voedingsdeskundige Opticien Oogarts Pediatric logopedist Osteopaat Pedicures
Apotheker leraar lichamelijke opvoeding Psychiater Psycholoog Psychoanalyticus
Psychomotorische Bonesetter bewegingsbeïnvloeding opnieuw Uroloog Seksuoloog
Veterinair Beroepen van het terrein Agronomist Farmer Farmer Beekeeper fokker
hovenier Kweker Vigneron Navigator Diver Fisherman Blacksmith Sabotier Taillandier
Maat Slager Bakker Slager Kassier Chausseur wijn verkopen Schoenmaker cuisiniste
Ober van koffie Grocer Merchandiser Bloemist Kaas Dairy Delivery Man Boekwinkel
Fisher Opticien Patisserie Catering De Verkoper business van het bedrijf Provisioner
Koper aministration en financieel directeur Human Resources Director van Accounting
Controller Management logistiek medewerker Verkoper qualiticien secretaris van
de Trades Industry Sales Engineer Juridische loopbaan van qualiticien Transport
Driver van de buschauffeur van de Zwaargewicht hoofd kabelbaan Trades Toerisme
Facilitator Consultant Engineering directeur van het toerisme en cultureel toerisme
een kantoor van Forfaitiste Hotelhouder gids-tolk-restaurateur van de talen
en schriftelijke Acteur Verhalenverteller Zanger Acteur Schrijver Book Review
Editor Printer Linguist Vertaler en tolk Journalist Andere trades opslaghouder
Fotograaf codes EAN13 bars, 39-Facturatie Facturatie
Business Programs for Mechanic (physicist, mechanics of the fluids) ERP (Entreprise
Ressource Planning) System administrator Analyst Head of Commercial project
Computer graphics expert Engineer Intégrateur Programmer Webmaster trades of
the craft industry Dressmaker Cook Cabinetmaker Factor of instrument or violin
maker Ironworker Modiste trades of the building Architect Tile-layer Carpenter
Chauffagiste Roofer Electrician Mason Carpenter House painter Plumber Staffeur
Ornemaniste Mason stones Glazier trades of safety Military Agent of safety Fireman
artistic trades Actor Singer Actor Dancer Make-up man Director Musician Painter
Realizer Sculptor trades of health Acupuncturist Nurse's aide Allergist plastic
Dental surgeon Surgeon Dentist Dermatologist Ergothérapeute Gastroentérologue
Gynaecologist Gynaecologist obstetrician Homeopath Male nurse Kinesitherapist
Laboratory assistant Logopède Masseur General practitioner Medical examiner
Neurologist Neuropsychiatrist Nutritionniste Ophtalmologist Optician Speech
therapist Osteopath Pediatrist Pharmacien physical Professor of education Psychanalyste
Psychological Psychiatrist Psychomotricien Rebouteux Rééducateur Sexologue Veterinary
Urologist the trades of the ground Agriculteur Agronomist Bee-keeper Farmer
Landscape gardener Stockbreeder Nursery gardener Vine grower Fishing Navigator
pedicurepedicures Diver Blacksmith Sabotier Taillandier Tailleur Butcher Baker
Cash clerk Caviste Charcutier Commercial Shoemaker Shoe-maker Cuisiniste Garçon
of coffee Épicier Window dresser Cheese-making Florist Dairy Bookseller Deliveryman
Optician Pastrycook Fishmonger Delicatessen Salesman the trades of the company
Acheteur Directing Supplier Aministratif and Directing Financier of Human Resources
Accountant Management auditor Logisticien Quality control engineer Secretary
Salesman the trades of industry Commercial Engineer Qualiticien Lawyer the trades
of Chauffeur transport of bus Chauffeur of weight-heavy Chef of Funicular Train
the trades of Animateur tourism Consulting in tourist and cultural engineering
Directeur of an office Guide-interpret Métiers Hotel-restorer of the languages
and writing Acteur Singer Actor Storyteller Criticizes literary Écrivain Editor
Printer Linguist Translator and Interprets Other trades Journaliste Storekeeper
Photographer barcodes ean13 - ERP (Entreprise Ressource Planning)